Friday, 22 April 2016

Gears of War 4 BETA

There are no words to describe how excited I am about this game. And the beta as well.
Finally (took a while before I got the code!) I got to play it today. First impressions: I love it! It's muuch better than UE (which isn't very hard to achieve, but still). I liked the movements and the smoothness. You can kill people with the gnasher in this one. 
We are only shown three maps and three game modes. No problem (although, I probably will get bored of this Beta and go back to Gow3 shortly). I really enjoyed Foundation and Harbour (love the graphics in the latter, with the waves pouring in, gonna be brilliant), however I did'n't like Dam much at all. Not sure why though, Harbour was almost as open as that one, but still. You couldn't choose your character, but I couldn't care less (if I can't be my Dom, I have no preference).
Oh, what joy to discover that in your very first game you get beat down twice and get three kills stolen. Last note: The dropshot?! Bloody hell. Haven't figured out how to work that one yet. Also, the new mantle kick-thing (dragging someone over to you instead of jumping over to him/her) looks exciting. Haven't done one myself yet, but I saw people do it, looks like fun :P

Friday, 8 April 2016

Lancer Queen - a "sweaty strafer"

Haha, found a video from the Youtuber TheRazoredEdge where he witnesses the player Cell FxM (who is now my friend on xbox ^^) doing a crazy clutch on an entire team (my team as it happens). I laughed my ass of watching it, because he was talking about me in words like "the guy who is pretending to be bad and then whips out the God strafe" and says that I am a "sweaty strafer". All of this is hilarious of course since my strafe is neither Godlike, nor sweaty, only terrible.

1:27-1:48 plus 2:18-2:39 are the parts with me XD

Did awful in K/D that first round and then lagged out of Xbox Live (stupid connection here in UK). But still, it was fun to hear him talk about me as a sweaty guy (don't really see the confusion with "QUEEN" in the gamertag, but whatevs) xD