Friday, 28 August 2015

The results from the tournament

It was an epic 2v2 tournament last night. 11 teams signed up. We won 2 games out of 4 and made it to the semi finals. I am pleased about that, even though I strongly (very very strongly) feel I could have played better. I did one nice clutch on Fuel Depot though, starting to make those gnasher pop shots I guess.. (of course no one was watching right that second, but at least my poor team mate was cheering ;P)

Anyway, nice work Microsoft Sweden for arranging it, hoping for more of the sort in the future!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

2v2 in Gears of War Ultimate Edition

Practicing for a 2v2 tournament in Gears of War Ultimate Edition, tomorrow night, in Stockholm!
It's gonna be epic. Winning team gets the digital deluxe edition of the game, plus the glory of course. I'll let you know how it went!